Retiring Early

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

October Net Worth Update (up 3.29% to $884,564)

growth chart
As many of you probably had, I had a great October! I've updated my NetworthIQ profile with the numbers, but here is the detailed breakdown:

On the stock front, my portfolio generated $15,853 in market returns (a 5.16%!!). I have been saying that these are not normal one-month gains, but I'm starting to wonder... obviously, market conditions were incredible in October. Also, to be fair, however, a few throusand of this gain were due to additional savings.

On the retirement front, the gain was due to 401(k) contributions as well as pure market returns. The gain was a stellar 4.73% return...

I added my funds in the Assets->Other category, so you will be able to see how I do on those over time. I currently have 5 funded loans at an average interest rate of 13%. These are all very conservative loans and I expect to dabble down stream to add more risk and return. This is going to be interesting.

The net effect on the mortgage balance was almost 2% this month. As I mentioned, I made a $4500 payment this month to pay down the principle. I hope to continue paying it down aggressively until the end of the year.



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